Microsoft's Adaptive Keyboard prototype

The engineers at Microsoft have showcased a new impression of keyboard for the desktop computers. The Adaptive Keyboard incorporates a touch screen LCD above the top row of keys, which displays information such as shortcut icons or document previews.

The key characters can, however, change to show separate functions based on the software that is being used.

Hakon Strande, Program Manager, Microsoft said, "We created a concept prototype in the Adaptive Keyboard that suggests that the display capabilities of high efficiency input devices such as keyboards and mice should be as dynamic and relevant to user context as the UI on the PC screen."

The team of engineers at Microsoft looks to improvise the learning curve of software by enhancing many of the basic functions. With this concept keyboard, users can swiftly access complex functions based on visual recognition, rather than recalling a memorized shortcut layout.

The Adaptive Keyboard concept is included in the Student Innovation Contest at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Strande clarified that any of the function examples have yet to be officially planned for future software updates.


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